The course starts with an introductory overview of data processing and analysis, providing insights into a typical data processing pipeline. Subsequently, it delves into Python's inherent data structures and explores select third-party Python libraries widely utilized in data science and visualization applications.
Click on a link to access it.
How to Use Python with MongoDB:
MongoDB with Python:
Python Data Structures:
Data Science and Python:
Top 26 Python Libraries for Data Science in 2025:
APA Flowchart
Visio Demonstration (pdf)
Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows:
Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS:
Python: Download the latest version for Windows:
Python Releases for macOS:
If you are struggling with APA formatting of references and how to cite sources you can take a look at this site for some assistance.
This site talks about references lists:
In this series, we walk through the fundamentals of data!
A beginner-friendly introduction to common data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues, and graphs) and algorithms (search, sorting, recursion, and dynamic programming) in Python. This course will help you prepare for coding interviews and assessments.
This video on Python libraries for the Data Science course will make you understand how to perform numerical computation, data analysis, and data visualization using NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib libraries. You will so get an idea about Scikit Learn for model building and BeautifulSoup for web scraping. Finally, you will learn about TensorFlow.
In this MongoDB Crash Course with Python, you will learn everything you need to get started. MongoDB is one of the most popular document-oriented databases. I show you how to set it up locally or in the Cloud with Mongo Atlas, and then we use PyMongo to work with the database. You will learn all important functions to insert, update, delete, and find documents.
MongoDB is a simple and easy-to-use database. This tutorial will show you how to use MongoDB with Python and the Python module pymongo. PyMongo is the official MongoDB API that allows you to easily perform database operations.
Please note: This is simply the basics of MongoDB in Python; it is meant to get you started and give you an introduction. MongoDB is capable of much more, and I encourage you to read more information from the links listed below.
This link is to a video I made showing how to create an ER Diagram in Microsoft Visio.
Take a look around to see what information I have to share. Please contact me if you have any questions or need help.